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Akudolu, L-R. (2011). The Formal,
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Ngozi & Akudolu, L-R. (2011). Developing Peace Education
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Curriculum and Instruction Nigeria Chapter Vol. 8 No. 2.
Akudolu, L-R. (2010). A Curriculum
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E. I. (2009). Head Teachers' Curriculum and
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Akudolu, L-R. &
Olibie, E. I. (2009). The Roles of Stakeholders in
Enhancing Information and Communications Technology (ICT)
Use in Secondary schools In Anambra State. Nigerian
Journal of Curriculum Studies. Vol. 16 (2) 244 - 252
Olibie, E. I. & Akudolu, L-R.I.
(2009). Creativity: A Blind Spot in Quality Teacher
Education in Anambra State of Nigeria. African
Research Review: An International Multi-Disciplinary
Journal, Ethiopia. Vol. 3 (2) 308 -321.
Akudolu, L-R (2008). Quest For Teacher
Needed Competencies for Instructional Use of ICT: Views from
European Union. Nigerian Journal of Teacher Education
and Teaching.Vol.4 (1) 9 -18.
Akudolu, L-R, (2007). Investigating
Strategies Nigerian Government Should Adopt for Promoting
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Technology (ICT) in Education: Views from European Union. Journal of Curriculum and Instruction. Vol. 6 (1) 89 -
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Olibie, E. (2007). Seeking Appropriate ICT
Teaching Approach for Developing Teacher ICT Competencies:
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Education Vol.3 (1) 33 - 38
Akudolu, L-R (2007). Adequacy of
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Akudolu, L-R (2006). Investigating
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Programmes (CPDP): Views from European Union.
The Educational Psychologist Vol. 3
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Akudolu, L-R. (2006). Assessing
Nigeria's Quest to Bridge Digital Divide through the
Provision of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
Facilities and Applications in Primary Schools. Journal
of Theoretical and Empirical Studies in Education Vol.1.
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Akudolu, L-R. (2004).
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Akudolu, L-R. (2002).
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of Educational Media and Technology. Vol. 6. No. 1.
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versus conventional French instruction: A case for instructional
mode for the development of conversational skills in French language
Journal of Technical and Science Education (JOTASE) Vol. 6
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Akudolu, L-R. (1997).
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French instruction (CFI) on students' performance in French
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Akudolu, L-R. (1997).
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CITADEL Vol. 1 No.3 .
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Akudolu, L-R. (1995).
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Akudolu, L-R. (1995).
Problems in implementing some of the
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Government College Enugu as a case study. JOSIC - Journal of
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Akudolu, L-R. (1994).
The teaching strategies of French
language teachers as perceived by secondary school students Review
of Education 14.
Akudolu, L-R. (1994).
Evaluation of the attitude of
secondary students to the learning of French language Abraka
Journal of Curriculum Studies 2, No. 1.
Akudolu, L-R. (1994).
Evaluation of the French language
teachers' use of audio-visual method Oriental Journal of
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Gender differentiation at the
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Akudolu, L-R. (1994).
English language. In
Women Education and National Development,
Proceedings of the Nigerian Academy of Education.
Publications Updates - 1
1. Akudolu, L-R. (2010). A Curriculum Framework for
Entrepreneurship Education in
Nigeria. UNIZIK Orient
Journal of Education. Vol. 5 No.2
2. Akudolu, L-R. & Olibie, E. I. (2009). Head Teachers'
Curriculum and
Instructional Leadership in
Primary Education for All in
Anambra State.Journal of Curriculum and Instruction.
3. Akudolu, L-R. & Olibie, E. I. (2009). The Roles of
Stakeholders in Enhancing
Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Use in
Secondary schools in Anambra State.
Nigerian Journal of Curriculum Studies. Vol. 16 No. 2
4. Olibie, E. I. & Akudolu, L-R. I. (2009). Creativity: A
Blind Spot in Quality Teacher Education in Anambra State of
African Research Review: An International Multi-Disciplinary
Journal, Ethiopia. Vol. 3 No.
5. Akudolu, L-R (2008). Quest For Teacher Needed
Competencies for Instructional Use of ICT: Views from European Union.Nigerian Journal of Teacher Education
and Teaching. Vol. 4 No.1
6. Akudolu, L-R, (2007). Investigating Strategies Nigerian
. UNIZIK Orient Journal of Education Vol.3 No.1
8. Akudolu, L-R (2007). Adequacy of Student - Activity
Component of Introductory Technology Curriculum for Students'
Acquisition of Technological Literacy. Nigeria Journal of Teacher
Education and Teaching: Vol. 3 No. 1.
9. Akudolu, L-R (2006). Investigating Teacher
Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Needed Competencies
to Be Acquired From Continuing Professional Development Programmes (CPDP):Views
From European Union. The Educational Psychologist Vol. 3 No. 1
10. Akudolu, L-R. (2006). Assessing Nigeria's Quest to Bridge
Digital Divide Through the Provision Of Information and
Communication Technology (ICT) Facilities and Applications In
Primary Schools. Journal of Theoretical and Empirical Studies in
Education Vol.1.
Publications Updates - 2
1. Akudolu, L-R (2006). Adequacy of Student - Activity
Component of Introductory Technology Curriculum for Students'
Acquisition of Technological Literacy. Nigeria Journal of Teacher
Education and Teaching: Vol. 2 No. 4.
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